Cisco Systems, Inc.All contents are Copyright © 1992–2003 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Important Notices and Privacy Statement.Page 1 of 13Data SheetCisco 3200 SeriesMobile Access RouterThis compact, high-performance access solution offers seamless mobility andinteroperability across multiple wireless networks in a size ideal for vehicles in thedefense, public safety, homeland security, and transportation market.Figure 1:Cisco 3200 MobileAccess RouterDelivering seamless communication acrossmultiple radio, cellular, satellite, andwireless LAN (WLAN) networks while inmotion, the Cisco ® 3200 Mobile AccessRouter (Figure 1) extends the IP frontier tonetworks in motion.Primarily designed for use in movingvehicles, the Cisco 3200 Mobile AccessRouter enables wireless connectivity acrossmultiple networks to support thedeployment of mission-critical applicationsbased on industry-standard IP. IPnetworking provides a foundation forsharing communications and applicationsamong users regardless of transportmedium. Cisco IOS ® Software addsfeature-rich services, managementcapabilities, and mobile networksfunctionality. The Cisco 3200 MobileAccess Router enables users to effectivelycommunicate mission-critical data, voice,and video across a peer-to-peer,hierarchical, or meshed IP network. Userscan make more informed decisionsimmediately, thereby increasing theirproductivity effectiveness in the field.The Cisco 3200 Mobile Access Routeroffers users the following benefits:• Secure data, voice, and videocommunications with seamless mobilityindependent of location or movement• High performance in a compact, ruggeddesign for use in vehicles• Advanced IP services andinteroperability with Cisco IOSSoftwareThe Cisco 3200 Mobile Access Router isdesigned for incorporation intocomprehensive, customized communicationssolutions built by systems integrators. Thisallows deployment into a diverse range ofair, land, or sea vehicles, including those formilitary and public safety. The systemsintegrator provides the complete mobilesolution, including the Cisco 3200 MobileAccess Router hardware, Cisco IOSSoftware, customized cabling, powersupplies, and enclosure, along withadditional components as required. Thesecomponents could include Cisco Aironet ®WLAN products, Cisco security hardwareand software, Cisco routing and switchinggear, and Cisco LAN and WANmanagement software.