About This Guide viiAbout This GuideThis preface discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of thishardware installation guide. This preface also provides general information about Ciscodocumentation. Sections in this preface are:• Objectives on page vii• How to Use This Guide on page viii• Audience on page viii• Organization on page ix• Conventions on page ix• Obtaining Service and Support on page xii• Cisco Connection Online on page xii• Ordering Documentation on page xivObjectivesThis publication provides hardware installation information for Cisco WAN and voiceinterface cards used in Cisco 3600 series, 2600 series, 1600 series, and Cisco 1720 modularrouters (herein referred to as Cisco modular routers).This publication also provides minimum software configuration information forconfiguring WAN interface cards, but this is not meant as comprehensive routerconfiguration instructions. For detailed software configuration information, refer to theCisco IOS configuration guide and command reference publications. These publicationsare available on the Documentation CD-ROM that came with your router or you can orderprinted copies. (See the “Ordering Documentation” section on page xiv.)