C H A P T E R3-1Cisco 10005 ESR Hardware Overview and Maintenance GuideOL-1102-073Maintaining the Cisco 10005 ESRThe Cisco 10005 ESR is configured to your order and ready for installation whenit arrives. After you install the system, you may have to perform specificmaintenance procedures to ensure the router operates properly. These routineprocedures include replacing the filter, upgrading system components, orreplacing field replaceable units (FRUs). This chapter contains the informationnecessary to perform that maintenance for the Cisco 10005 ESR.Note Detailed instructions are also shipped with FRUs and upgrade kits.System components fall into two categories: hot swappable components that donot require you to power off the system before replacing them, and thosecomponents that do require you to power off the system before you replace them.For example, all line cards are hot-swappable and can be replaced withoutpowering off the system, but you must power off the system before replacing asingle power module or a single Performance Routing Engine (PRE).Note To prevent alarms from activating, you must administratively shut down a linecard before hot swapping it.