Menu Map37EOP TimerInterface SetupAll PalettePalette APalette BTCP/IP IPv4NetWareAppleTalkNetWareFrame TypeIPv4 ModeReset PaletteSmoothing SoftwareSmoothThickenFineLines OffOnOn-the-Fly OffOnPageSizeProcess1 OffOnPageSizeProcess2 OffOnOnOffOnOffAdjustFaintLines OffOnProcessingOptionGL2 Set PrintWarning OffOnAutomaticManualIPv6 IPv6 Support OnOffIPv6 StlessAddrs OnOffDHCPv6 OnOffIPv4 SettingsProtocol DHCP OnOffBOOTP OnOffRARP OnOffbgIIJJPrint ServicePalette BFactory30 sec.10 sec.5 min.2 min.1 min.60 min.30 min.10 MaskIP AddressDefault G/WEthernet SNAPEthernet 802.3Ethernet 802.2Ethernet 2Auto DetectNPrinterNDSPServerBinderyPServerRPrinterc d e f*************Ethernet DriverInterface PrintReturn DefaultsAuto Detect OnOff *Comm.Mode Half DuplexFull Duplex *Ethernet Type 10 Base-T100 Base-TX1000 Base-T*Spanning Tree Not UseUse *MAC Address [[[[[[[[[[[[*******14*16*9*20*20*20*20*20*20*20*21*10*10*19*19OKBackOKBackOKBackOKBackOKBackOKBackOKBack(Choose apen number.)(Choose apen number.)(IndicatesWidth, Color,and LineAttributes.)(IndicatesWidth, Color,and LineAttributes.)(Specify thevalues ofWidth, Color,and LineAttributes.)*9:*10:*14:*16:*19:*20:*21:Not shown if you have set IPv4 Mode to Manual.Not shown if you have set NetWare to Off.Available only on the iPF755Available only on the iPF655Not shown if you have set Auto Detect to On.Viewing and configuration is possible for administrators, and only viewing for other users.Viewing and configuration is possible for administrators only.