3-8Print Plug-In for Photoshop Chapter 3 Utilize Print Plug-In to PrintAdjust the Colors and PrintYou can adjust the colors to your liking and print images.The explanation below is on three ways to adjust the colors using Print Plug-In.“Adjust the Colors while Checking the Preview” (p.3-8)“Adjust the Colors by Color Matching” (p.3-12)“Print High-Quality AdobeRGB16bit Images” (p.3-14)“Prints monochrome photographs with high quality” (p.3-18)** compatible with W8400PG and W6400PG■ Adjust the Colors while Checking the PreviewYou can adjust the colors while checking the adjustments in the preview.The following explanation is on the procedures for adjusting example image below.• Increase Red for the Cyan value.• Increase Yellow for the Yellow value.• Low for Saturation.• Warm for Gray Tone Adjustment.The above image adjustments are reflected in the before and after images below.BeforeApplicationAfterApplicationNote The settings you have set in the Color Settings sheet are saved even afterclosing Print Plug-In.