4-2 COPYRIGHT © CANON ELECTRONICS INC. 2011 CANON P-215 FIRST EDITIONCHAPTER 4 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE3. Installing the SoftwareInstall the following software from thesupplied setup disk that is required in orderto use the scanner.• CaptureOnTouch• Scanner driver• OthersNote:If "CaptureOnTouch Lite" is used, theabove software does not need to beinstalled.Note:The software should be installed be-fore connecting the machine to acomputer.The following shows an outline of theinstallation on Windows.1) Login using an account with Administratorprivileges.2) Before installing the software, exit all otherapplications.3) Load the setup disk into the DVD drive ofthe computer.4) The setup menu starts automatically.5) Click [Typical Installation].Figure 4-101Finish the installation by following theon-screen messages.4. Connecting to a Computer1) Close the pickup tray and turn the AutoStart switch "OFF".2) Connect the machine and the computerusing the supplied USB cable.Note:The USB port should support USB 2.0or USB 3.0.Auto StartAuto StartOFFOFF ONONFigure 4-1023) Open the pickup tray and verify that thepower is switched ON.Note:If the cable is connected to theUSB2.0 port, bus power of 5 V 0.5 A issupplied and if it is connected to theUSB3.0 port, bus power of 5 V 0.9 A issupplied.Note:Although this scanner supports USB3.0 bus power, USB data transfer ratesremain at USB 2.0 speeds.Note:The scanner cannot be used when it isconnected to a computer via abus-powered USB hub. A self-poweredUSB hub can be used, but operation isnot guaranteed.