513 To check the scanned image, click the [Finish] button.To edit scan images, see Operations for the scanned image edit window52.Click the [ ] button to edit the output settings. -> "Setting the output"Click the [Cancel] button to discard the scanned image and return to the mainwindow.When the output has finished, a popup window will be displayed.This completes the shortcut scans.Scanning with Start ButtonScanning shortcuts" are allocated to the scanner start button inadvance.You can set frequently-used scans to the scanning shortcuts, andthen allocate them to the start button.If you place the document and press the Start button, CaptureOnTouchstarts and scanning starts.If [Edit after scanning] is disabled in the scanning shortcut settings, theedit window will not be displayed.If you click [Open storage folder], the folder in which the savedscanned images were saved opens. Depending on the outputsettings, the [Open storage folder] button may not be displayed. If the [Do not display the main screen when the scan is startedwith the scanner button] checkbox is enabled in theEnvironmental settings, the main CaptureOnTouch window willnot be displayed when a scan is started from the start button.Only dialog boxes, error messages, and completion popupwindows are displayed during scanning. If the [Do not display the main screen when the scan is startedwith the scanner button] checkbox is enabled in theEnvironmental settings, [Enable additional scan] and [Editafter scanning] will be disabled when scanning is started fromthe start button.