COPYRIGHT © CANON ELECTRONICS INC. 2008 CANON DR-X10C FIRST EDITION 1-7CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION3. PrecautionsThis section describes items that requireparticular care, for example, regarding humansafety.These precautions must be observed.The user should be explained the items thatrelate to user safety and instructed to takeappropriate actions.1) Power OFF in emergencyIf such abnormal conditions as extraordi-nary noise, smoke, heat and odor occur,immediately unplug the power cord.Be careful not to get clothing (ties, longhair, etc.) caught in the machine as it maycause injury. Should this occur, immedi-ately unplug the power cord. Do not insertfingers in the feed section while movingthe rollers.2) Power OFF on disassemblingWhen disassembling and assembling areperformed, unplug the power cord.3) Prohibition of modifyThis machine must not arbitrarily bemodified or remade. If it is, use may beforcibly suspended.To change the specifications or disas-semble and reassemble this machine, fol-low the instructions described in thismanual and the service information.4) Electromagnetic wave interferenceThis machine complies with some stan-dards regarding electromagnetic waveinterference, such as VCCI and FCC.However, the user may have to takecountermeasures if the machine causeselectromagnetic wave interference.5) “User Manual”Read each “User Manual” thoroughly priorto use of this machine.6) DisposalFollow local regulations when disposing ofthe product and parts. This product issubject to the WEEE Directive in Europe.7) MovementThis machine weighs 39 kg. When liftingor moving this machine, 2 persons musthold it from both sides.Figure 1-102