Chapter 33-6F-3-6*1: After a shift to standby, the fixing target temperature is decreased in 5-deg C increments at specific time intervals. When a specific temperature isreached, the fixing heater and the fixing motor are turned on and off to maintain the temperature.T-3-43.2.4 Basic Sequence of Operation (at time of copying/printing)0009-6338Interval DescriptionWMUPR (warm-up) From when the main power is turned on until the fixing rollertemperature reaches aspecific level, the potential control of the photosensitive drum ends,and as much as 60sec passes from power-on.CNTR (control rotation) The machine executes potential control of the photosensitive drum.For each mode (i.e.,copier, printer), it executes VD control (to adjust the primary dischargecurrent) and VLcontrol (to adjust the laser output) and determines Vdc (developingbias).PSTBY (print standby) The machine is in a state in which it is ready to accept a copy/printrequest signal.CNTRWMUPR PSTBY*1Main powerswitch ONMain motor(M2)Drum motor(M1)Primary chargingPre-exposureLED (LED1)Developing clutch(CL1)Developing bias(DC)Developing bias(AC)Pre-transfercharging (DC)Pre-transfercharging (AC)Separationcharging (DC)Separationcharging (AC)Fixing motor(M3)Fixing heater(IH)LaserTransfer chargingBias roller60 sec (approx.)205 deg C