viiAvailable FeaturesThe procedures described in this manual are based on the iR2022i. Depending on the systemconfiguration and product purchased, some features described in the manuals may not befunctional. The table below shows the available features on a product basis.: Available: Unavailableopt.: optional*1: Only the feeder is available.*2: The platen cover or the feeder can be selected at the time of purchase.NOTEFor more information on the optional equipment, see Chapter 3, “Optional Equipment,” in the ReferenceGuide.COPY PRINT(UFRII LT)PRINT(PCL) FAXI-FAX/E-MAIL/FTP/SMBNetworkSCANRemoteUIOriginalSizeDetection2-SidedPrintingFeeder/PlatenCoveriR2018i opt. opt. *¹iR2022i opt. opt. *¹iR2025 opt. opt. opt. opt.*²iR2030 opt. opt. opt. opt.*²