39E Using the FullRange of FeaturesCAM.MENU SEL.SETSETMENUCLOSECARD MIXCAM.SET UPVCR SET UPDISP.SET UPSYSTEMRETURN135246CARD MIX 100-000143/50MIX TYPE••••CARD CHROMAMIX LEVEL•••q w– +1 To card mix submenu2 To camera set up submenu3 To VCR set up submenu4 To display set up submenu5 To system submenu6 Close main menu1 Card mix submenuq Mix type.............................. 106w Mix level............................. 1072 CAM. MENUSet the POWER switch to and the TAPE/CARD switch to .There are 5 submenus within the CAM. MENU.TAPECAMERACAM.SET UP SEL.SETSETMENUCLOSESHUTTER•••••AUTOD.ZOOM••••••40×IMAGE S. •ON16:9••••••••OFFWHITE BAL.••AUTORETURNeturyi2 Camera set up submenue Shutter speed......................... 68r Digital zoom ......................... 23t Image stabilizer..................... 36y 16:9 effect ............................. 22u White balance ....................... 71i ReturnList of MenusTurn to the appropriate page for a detailed explanation of each function.• Pressing the start/stop button or the PHOTO button will close the menu andstart recording.• You can display the menus on a connected TV screen by turning TV SCREEN( 132) on through the menu or using the wireless controller’s TV SCREENbutton. See p. 31 for TV hookup instructions.