VCR SET UP SEL.SETSETMENUCLOSEREC MODE••••SPWIND SCREEN•OFFAUDIO MODE••12bitAV/PHONES•••AVRETURNuo!1i!02 VCR set up submenuu Record mode......................... 20i Wind screen .......................... 60o Audio mode .......................... 59!0 AV or headphones................. 30!1 ReturnCAM.MENU SEL.SETSETMENUCLOSECAM.SET UPVCR SET UPDISP.SET UPSYSTEMRETURN135241 To camera set up submenu2 To VCR set up submenu3 To display set up submenu4 To system submenu5 Close main menu2 CAM. MENUSet the POWER switch to CAMERA.There are 4 submenus within the CAM. MENU.CAMERACAM.SET UP SEL.SETSETMENUCLOSESHUTTER•••••AUTOD.ZOOM••••••40×IMAGE S. •ON16:9••••••••OFFWHITE BAL.••AUTORETURNqetwry1 Camera set up submenuq Shutter speed......................... 64w Digital zoom ......................... 22e Image stabilizer..................... 35r 16:9 effect ............................. 21t White balance ....................... 67y ReturnList of MenusTurn to the appropriate page for a detailed explanation of each function.36EUsing the FullRange of FeaturesUsing the MenusMany of the camcorder’s advanced functions are selected from menus whichappear in the display.There are 2 main menus:CAM. MENU Camera menu ( 36)VCR MENU VCR menu ( 37)