Using the FullRange of Features28ESelecting from the Camera & VCR MenusMany of the camera’s advanced functions are selected from menus which appearin the display.There are three main menus:1. Camera menu (when the camera is in record pause mode: thePOWER switch set to [ or P (p. 13) and the LENS COVERswitch set to OPEN).2. VCR menu (when the POWER switch is set to VCR and the LENSCOVER switch set to OPEN).3. Program Menu (in record pause mode with the POWER switch setto P and the LENS COVER switch set to CLOSE).• The main purpose of this menu is to select the recording program. For anexplanation of how to use this menu, see page 36.Camera menu (CAM. MENU)q Shutter speed ........................ p. 48w Digital effects ....................... p. 40e Image stabilizer .................... p. 30r Digital zoom ........................ p. 16t 16:9 ...................................... p. 43y White balance ...................... p. 50u Self-timer ............................. p. 46i Remote sensor ...................... p. 31o Recording mode ................... p. 15!0 Audio mode .......................... p. 44!1 Wind screen ......................... p. 45!2 Backlight .............................. p. 65!3 Brightness ............................ p. 65!4 Date and time set .................. p. 52VCR menuq Remote sensor ...................... p. 31w Recording mode ................... p. 15e Audio monitor ...................... p. 63r Mix balance .......................... p. 63t Stereo/mono ......................... p. 23y Data code ............................. p. 52u Date and time select ............. p. 32i Liquid crystal displays ......... p. 78o Backlight .............................. p. 65!0 Brightness ............................ p. 65!1 Base zone ............................. p. 54!2 Recording zone .................... p. 54wqe rt yu iVCR MENU SELECT SET[MENU] CLOSESENSOR••••••ONREC MODE••••SPA.MONITOR•••MIX/VARI.MIX BALANCE•S1 S2STEREO/MONO•STEREODATA CODE•••DATE/TIMED/TIME SEL.•DATE & TIMEDISPLAYS••••ONVCR MENU SELECT SET[MENU] CLOSESTEREO/MONO•STEREODATA CODE•••DATE/TIMED/TIME SEL.•DATE & TIMEDISPLAYS••••ONBACKLIGHT•••NORMALBRIGHTNESS••– +BASE ZONE•••20/N.Y.REC ZONE••••10/TOKYO!0o!2!1qwe rt yu i!0o!2CAM.MENU SELECT SET[MENU] CLOSESHUTTER•••••AUTOD.EFFECT••••EFFECTIMAGE S. •OND.ZOOM••••••ON16:9••••••••OFFWHITE BAL.••AUTOSELF–TIMER••OFFSENSOR••••••ONCAM.MENU SELECT SET[MENU] CLOSESELF–TIMER••OFFSENSOR••••••ONREC MODE••••SPAUDIO MODE••16bitWIND SCREEN•AUTOBACKLIGHT•••NORMALBRIGHTNESS••– +D/TIME SET••JAN. 1,199812:00 AMi!4!1!3OFFTurn to the appropriate page for a detailed explanation of each function.