‐ Sensor: This is for use with the remote control and allows you to control the cameraremotely…very useful if you are shooting on your own‐ Tally lamp: this is a tricksy little button which allows you to turn off the red button at thefront of the camera that shows its recording so that whoever you’re filming cannot see it. Thiscan be used to your advantage‐ The Mic attenuator (Mic Att on the camera) is used to either pump up or down certain soundsdepending on what you want to come out. This is called ‘pumping’. It’s very good for doing astandupper or reporting from loud areas, such as warzones‐ In record mode there’s also long play and short play options. Basically what this does is allowyou to lengthen your tape. This decision must always be made at the beginning of a shootthough because if you switch halfway through your tape will be useless. Short play is thenormal mode and gives you the best quality. It isn’t advisable to use long play but insituations where you may only have one tape the long play setting can increase your tapecapacity by one‐third. This does however lower the resolution.‐ A/F = Auto Focus: if you’re in manual this will auto focus for you.‐ N/D Filter = Neutral Density Filter: this automatically chops down how much light the irisaccepts through the lens; it decides itself when it needs to be used (the sun light will flash totell you).‐ Spotlight: This is useful for shooting in situations where you are shooting a spotlight. By usingthis you can shoot whatever is under the spotlight and this will smooth out the potential over‐contrast.‐ Picture Search: This is a useful little tool to check out your last shots‐ Audio Monitor Switch: This allows a readout on the VU reader which tells you if you’re over‐modulating, etc.‐ W/B is supposed to override the Auto setting‐ White balance: this allows you to set the whites in your recording. There are three settingswhich can be changed with a round dial which you push in to select.‐ On the left is the lightbulb switchy which is really useful for indoor light‐ Then there’s the sunlight switch which is useful outdoors‐ The last switch is negotiable