2.1.6 Playing back a melody (BEEP)The mini magnetic speaker of the X-07 can playback various tones, and eventhe length of each tone can be set. Therefore, you can compose a melody anduse the X-07 as an electronic music box.The BEEP command makes the speaker g;enerate sound. Try the following:BEEP 13,20The BEEP command changes the sound generated by the speaker according totwo parameters.BEEP , When the tone is 0, sound is not generated, and 1 to 48 correspond to the do,re, mi, fa, so la, si, and do of the music scale, and increase by a half-tone. Asfor the length of the tone, greater the value of the parameter, longer the lengthof the tone.C� B:c en DD' E F F' G G" A A" B:c�Bdo-si :do re mi fa so la:i3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: First parameter of BEEPsi do-si24The relationship between the first parameter of the tone and BEEP is as shownabove. The first parameter is as shown above for 1 to 48, and sound can begenerated in 4 octave ranges.The second parameter specifies the length of the tone, The actual length is setas follows:= x50 msecAccordingly, when the value of the second parameter is 20, 20x50 msec = 1000msec. In other words, one second.Therefore, BEEP 13,20 generates "do" for one second. Also, BEEP O,n canbe used as "rest".For details, please refer to the BEEP command program sample in the BASICReference Manual.66