Preset Setting Tool6-176 Admin ToolsDisplay Screens of Preset Setting ToolPreset Setting Tool has two display screens, the [Preset] tab and the [Preset Tour] tab.With the [Preset] tab, up to 20 presets and the home position are set while referring to the panorama screen.With the [Preset Tour] tab, Preset Tour is set whereby the camera tours and monitors multiple presets.The following explains the [Preset] tab display screen.For the [Preset Tour] tab, see “Preset Tour” (p. 6-20). [Preset] Tab Display Screen(1) Image Display AreaThe image currently captured by the camera is shown.Pan, tilt, and zoom operations are the same as in theVB-M700/600/40 Viewer. For details, see “How toOperate the Viewer” (p. 7-6).(2) [Switch Screen Size] buttonEach time this button is clicked, the screen size of theimage display area switches between “320 x 240” and“640 x 480”.(3) [Switch Mouse Operation] buttonClick the button to switch to . In this mode, movethe mouse pointer to the image display area and left-click to operate the pan and tilt. Click the button againto return to .(4) [Obtain/release Camera Control] buttonThis button is used to obtain/release the cameracontrol privileges. For details, see “Obtaining CameraControl Privileges” (p. 7-8).(5) [Focus]Focus can be operated if control privileges have beenobtained. Focus operations are the same as in theAdmin Viewer. For details, see “Setting the Focus”(p. 7-15).(6) [Smart Shade Control]Smart shade control can be operated if controlprivileges have been obtained. Smart shade controloperations are the same as in the Admin Viewer. Fordetails, see “Setting the Smart Shade Control”(p. 7-14).(7) [Panorama Screen]The panorama image registered in the camera isshown. A preset preview frame (yellow) reflecting thepreset settings is shown, where you can drag to resizeor move the frame and reflect the new frame in thepreset settings. Also, if view restrictions are set, thoseareas are shown in a blue frame.(1) (2) (3)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(17)(16)(4)(6)(5)(12)-1(12)-2