2-3InstallationInstallation ProceduresStart up the Installer1. To start installing VK-64/VK-16, insert the installation CD-ROM into the CD drive, and then the Welcomescreen appears. Click [Next] to continue.If the installer does not automatically launch, open the CD-ROM directory in Explorer and double-clickv22setup.exe. Then, installation process starts.To start installing VK-Lite, double-click VKLiteInstall.exe in the APPLICATIONS folder on the VB-C500VD/VB-C500D/VB-C60 Setup CD-ROM.2. The [Software License Agreement] screen appears. Read the agreement carefully.Click the radio button, [I accept the terms in the license agreement] and then click [Next] to continue.Notez Types and number of license has been determined for VK-64 and VK-16. If you want to add the StorageServer or Viewer, you need to purchase necessary software ( P. 1-6).z The hard disk where the software will be installed should be formatted in the NTFS ( P. 2-7).COPY