Error Messages 3-3Troubleshooting3Error Message ChartError Message Cause RemedyCLOSE COVERTOP COVERThe top cover is open. Close the top cover .CLOSE COVEROUTPUT TRAY COVERThe OUTPUT TRAY cover isopen.Close the OUTPUT TRAY cover.REMOVE PAPER FROMOUTPUT TRAYThe OUTPUT TRAY is full. Remove the paper from the OUT-PUT TRAY.REMOVE PAPER FROMSTACKERThe stack tray is full. Remove the paper from the stacktray.UNEVEN STACKREMOVE STACKER PAPER/IF PAPER IS CURLEDPERFORM CURL ADJUST.1. The paper is curled.2. Paper on the stack tray isleant.Check the message displayed onthe host machine (printer) controlpanel.STACK TRAY NOT SET The stack tray is not placed cor-rectly.Place the stack tray correctly.CLOSE GUIDESTACK GUIDE F. COVERFront cover is closed withoutclosing the front stack guide .Open the front cover and closethe front stack guide , thenclose the front cover.REMOVE JAMMED PAPERBA paper jam occurred in Bsection.Open the top cover and openthe B guide to remove thejammed paper. Close the guideand the cover, and the printingwill be restarted. *1REMOVE JAMMED PAPERAA paper jam occurred in the Asection.Open the OUTPUT TRAY coverand open the A guide toremove the jammed paper. Closethe guide and the cover, and theprinting will be restarted.213D2 E2D4D1D3BAE1CD5When you remove thesheets from the leftturn-over section, takecare not to be caughtby the roller. Other-wise, it may lead tosevere injury.When you remove thesheets from the stack-ing section, take carenot to be caughtbetween the stackguide and the stacktray. Otherwise, it maylead to severe injury.WARNING123 312