42NoteSelect [Reduce recording frame rate when disk is under highload] to trigger an event and send an e-mail notification when therecording frame rate decreases.[Reduce recording frame rate when disk is underhigh load] is always enabled. You cannot disable it. Youcan confirm whether the frame rate has beenautomatically reduced by checking the [Live Events Log].(An e-mail notification is not sent.)Configure Event Priorities and E-mailNotificationsConfigure the priority of an event that occurs in theStorage Server Group.➀ [E-mail Notification]Display a list of e-mail addresses for sendingnotification messages when an event is triggered, andthe priority of the event.➁ [Add], [Edit], and [Remove]Add, edit or remove an e-mail notification destination.➂ [Mail Server Settings]Configure the mail server used for notifications.➃ [Event Priorities]Configure the event priorities.➄ [OK] and [Cancel]Close the dialog box.3 Click [OK] to close the dialog box.ImportantAn event is triggered and a notification e-mail is sent when theavailable disk space reaches the value specified in [Low DiskSpace Warning Level].1 Select the [Events] tab.➀➁ ➂➃➄