2Check if the following items are included in your camera package. If anythingis missing, contact the retailer from which you purchased the camera.Using the PDF ManualsAlso refer to the PDF manuals on the CD-ROM. After installation, shortcuticons appear on the desktop. If the software installation fails, you can find themanuals in the Readme folder on the CD-ROM.• Camera User Guide (This Guide)Once you have mastered the basics, use the camera’s many features to shootmore challenging photos.• Personal Printing GuideRead when you want to connect the camera to a printer(sold separately) and print.• Software GuideRead when you want to use the included software.• You can use the included memory card to try out your new camera andtake some test shots.• Adobe Reader is required to view the PDF manuals.Checking the Package ContentsCameraAA-size AlkalineBatteries (×2)Memory CardAV CableAVC-DC400Wrist Strap WS-800Getting Started WarrantyCardDIGITAL CAMERASolution Disk“Canon CustomerSupport” LeafletInterface CableIFC-400PCUCOPY