14 Shooting ModesStill ImagesAutoThe camera automatically selects settings.ManualAllows you to select settings yourself, such as the exposure compensation, white balance, mycolors or ISO speed.Stitch AssistAllows you to shoot overlapping images that can later be merged(stitched) to create one panoramic image on a computer. Select [StitchAssist] from the [ (Rec.)] menu.PortraitProduces a soft effectwhen photographingpeople.LandscapeYou can shoot wide,expansive scenes.Night SnapshotAllows you to take snapshots of people against twilight or night backgrounds byreducing the effects of camera shake even without using a tripod.Color AccentUse this option to haveonly the color specified inthe LCD monitor remainand to transform all othersto black and white.Color SwapUse this option totransform a colorspecified in the LCDmonitor into another.Scene ModeBy simply selecting one of the following shooting modes, you can shootwith the most appropriate settings for the scene.Kids&PetsAllows you to capturesubjects that movearound, such aschildren and pets,without missing photoopportunities.IndoorPrevents camera shake andmaintains the subject's truecolor when shooting underfluorescent or tungstenlighting.FoliageShoots trees andleaves—such as newgrowth, autumn leavesor blossoms—in vividcolors.SnowShoots without a blue tingeand without making peopleappear dark against asnowy background.Î See the Advanced Guide (p. 42).Î See the Advanced Guide (p. 56). Î See the Advanced Guide (p. 58).