242File name was changedwith a computer or filelocation was changed.z Set the file name or location on the fileformat/structure of the camera (referto the Software Starter Guide fordetails).Images cannot be edited.Some images shot with another camera cannot be edited.Movies do not play back correctly.Movies recorded with high recording pixels may momentarily stopplaying if played on slow reading memory cards.Images shot with this camera may not play back properly on othercameras.Reading images from memory card is slow.Memory card wasformatted in anotherdevice.z Use a memory card formatted in yourcamera (pp. 16, 220).Battery/Battery ChargerBattery consumed quickly.Battery is not being usedto its full capacity.z See Battery (p. 254).Battery life exceeded ifbattery loses its chargequickly at normaltemperature (23 °C/73 °F).z Replace the battery with a new one(p. 11).Battery will not charge.Battery life exceeded. z Replace the battery with a new one(p. 11).COPY