Shooting47- The camera may mistakenly identify non-human subjectsas a face. If this occurs, switch to the [On] or [Off]options.- When a face is not detected, images will be shot usingthe [On] option.z In [Face Detect] mode, faces may not be detected underthe following circumstances.- If the face appears small, large, dark or bright relative tothe overall composition.- If the face is turned horizontally or diagonally, or if aportion is obscured.It may be difficult to focus on the following types of subjects.zSubjects with extremely low contrast to the surroundingszScenes with a mixture of near and far subjects.zSubjects with extremely bright objects at the center of the compositionzSubjects that are moving quicklyzSubjects through glass: Try to shoot as close to the glass aspossible to reduce the chances of light reflecting back off the glass.Shooting with the Focus LockThe focus lock can be used in any shooting mode.Shooting Hard-to-Focus Subjects(Focus Lock, AF Lock)Shooting Mode1 Aim the camera so that an object at thesame focal distance as the main subject iscentered in the viewfinder or in the AFframe displayed on the LCD monitor.2 Press the shutter button halfway to set thefocus.3 Keep the button pressed, re-aim the camerato compose the shot as desired and pressthe shutter button fully.