Table ofContentsChapter 1What isZoomBrowser EX?Chapter 2Downloading andPrinting ImagesChapter 3What You Can Do witha Camera ConnectedChapter 4Viewing ImagesChapter 5Organizing ImagesChapter 6Using SupplementaryFeatures Appendices IndexZoomBrowser EX Software User Guide 13 Back NextConnecting the Camera and ComputerThis method involves connecting the camera to the computerand preparing it to exchange data.1. With the camera attached to the computer, set thecamera to the Playback mode.See the user guides for your camera for the method forconnecting the camera and computer.The Camera Control Window will open.The window that appears for a wireless connection may differslightly.Downloading Images to a Computer (2/8)Camera Control WindowIf you place a check mark here,this window automaticallyopens when the camera isconnected to the computer.First Time Camera is Connected to a ComputerConfigure the following settings the first time you attach thecamera to the computer using an interface cable. This step isnot required from the second connection onward.When a window similar to the following one (Eventsdialog) opens, select [Canon CameraWindow] andclick [OK].The purpose of these settings is to have ZoomBrowser EX’sCamera Control Window open automatically when the camerais connected to the computer.Your camera model name or“Canon Camera” will appearhere.Your computer systemwill determine whichprograms appear.If the Events Dialog does not open, see "Troubleshooting" inthe Appendices.