Table ofContentsChapter 1What isImageBrowser?Chapter 2Downloading andPrinting ImagesChapter 3What You Can Do witha Camera ConnectedChapter 4Viewing ImagesChapter 5Organizing ImagesChapter 6Using SupplementaryFeatures Appendices IndexImageBrowser Software User Guide 116 Back NextFeatures of the [1. Arrange] Window Features of the [2. Effect] WindowEditing Movies (2/3)Plays the entire moviebeing edited.Moves the selected image oneposition to the left or right.Adds images Displays the properties of theselected image.You can set the playback range (start and stop points)for a movie by selecting it and clicking this button.You can set the play duration of a still image byselecting it and clicking this button.Removes the selected moviefrom the storyboard.Superimposes titles and other text on the image selected in thestoryboard area.You can set the font, display duration, display position and scrollingattributes of the text.You can change the movie or still image selected inthe storyboard area into a sepia or monochromeversion, or add noise for a film simulation.You can set the transition effect betweenimages by selecting the transition effectbox in the storyboard area and clickingthis button.Rotates theselected image.Magnifies part of theselected image.