Things toRememberMasteringthe BasicsMore AdvancedTechniques Appendices21Table of ContentsChange the Folder LevelThe level of folder displayed can be changed with thefollowing procedures.• In Zoom mode, position the mouse cursor over thefolder and click the icon when it displays.• In Scroll or Preview mode, double-click the icon.• To advance to a higher folder level, click the icon.Change the Display SizeYou can change thedisplay ratio (Zoom mode)or thumbnail size (Scrollmode) with the slider.Select ImagesClicking an image in the Browser Area selects thatimage. To select multiple images, hold down the [Ctrl]key while clicking images, or hold down the [Shift] keyand click a starting and ending image to select a rangeof adjacent images.Display ImagesDouble-clicking an image in the Browser Area (orselecting the image and clicking (View Image)),displays it in the Viewer Window.Move, Copy ImagesTo move an image between folders, drag it over thedestination folder and release the mouse button.To copy an image, hold the [Ctrl] key while releasingthe mouse button as above.You can also use the same procedures to copy imagesbetween Windows Explorer and the Main Window.Create New FolderTo create a new folder in the Browser Area,click the [File] menu and select [New Folder].HINTRight-Click Context MenusRight-clicking over a window or image displays contextual menus. These menus contain the functionsavailable in the current context as well as other convenient functions. Use the right-click menus toincrease your efficiency.Using the NavigatorIf you change the displayed zoom factor in Zoom Mode, a Navigator Window that shows the currentposition will appear. In the Navigator Window you can change the position by dragging or clickinginside the window.Browser Area TasksBNOX