Things toRememberMasteringthe BasicsMore AdvancedTechniques Appendices49Table of ContentsTransferring ImagesTransferring Images to a CameraImages transferred once to a computer can be transferred back to the camera.Procedures1 Connect the camerato a computer to startCameraWindow.• For details, refer to steps 1- 2 in“Transferring Images”.2 [Organize Images onCamera]3 [Organize Images]4 (Upload)5 Select images.• If ImageBrowser’s Browser Window isopen when the camera is connected(directly after transferring for instance),open the CameraWindow (menu screen)by clicking the [Canon Camera] iconin the Control Panel of the BrowserWindow.Show favorite imagesto friends or connecta TV to show themon a large screen.IMPORTANT• Cameras that use the “MOV” data type can play back movies transferred back tothe camera if movies were taken with that camera. Refer to the “Data Type” itemin “Specifications” near the end of theCamera User Guide to see if the camerauses the “MOV” data type. You may not be able to play back movies taken withanother camera.• Only still images compliant with Design rule for Camera File system standardscan be transferred to your camera’s memory card.• You may not be able to transfer images back to the camera if they have beenedited on a computer, or if the image information has been modified.BNOX