*1: Before replacement of the logic board ass'y, check the waste ink amount (by service test print or EEPROMinformation print). If the waste ink amount is 7% or more, also replace the ink absorber kit (QY5-0147) whenreplacing the logic board ass'y.[See Section 3-3. Adjustment / Settings, (5) Service mode, for details.]2-3. Other Error Messagesalternateblinkingcheck at hard-power-on. 2745) *1AlarmLED litRAM error The RAM error occurred in the RAM check athard-power-on.- Logic board ass'y (QM2-2745) *1Message on the LCD Cause SolutionCannot print via wirelesscommunication.- No photo data- Unsupported photo data- Photo data too largeThe received image data was invalid, orthe data size was too large, in infraredcommunication from a mobile phone.The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.The selected paper cannot be fedfrom cassette. Change the papersource.The paper type being used is notsupported for paper feeding from thecassette. (Business Card, Credit Cardsize paper and Photo Stickers are notsupported.)Change the paper source to the ASF.Cannot specify the followingstogether. Change one of thesettings.Settings made conflict each other. The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.There are no photos in memorycard.Supported image files are not in thememory card.The error message is displayed for awhile, then disappears.The value exceeds the number ofcopies you can print.During selecting images or specifyingthe number of copies, the total printquantity exceeds the prescribed value of999.After the error message is displayed for awhile, the last operation before the erroris cancelled, and the total print quantityreturns to the value before the error.Memory card is not set. Insert thecard after checking the direction. No memory card is inserted in the slot. Set a memory card.DPOF information is not saved inthe memory card.DPOF print was selected in the menu,but no DPOF files are contained in thememory card.The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.The number of copies to print isnot set. Input the number of copies.Multi-photo print was attempted withoutspecifying the print quantity (with theprint quantity left "0" (zero)).The error message is displayed for awhile, then disappears. Specify the printquantity.This layout is available only forA4 or 8.5"x11"(LTR).In Layout print, "Mixed 1, 2, or 3" whichis available only with A4 or LTR sizepaper is selected, but the paper size is notset to A4 or LTR.The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.Settings cannot be changed whenprinting stickers.With Sticker print selected, the Settingsbutton was pressed.The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.Change the setting after removingthe card.With a memory card inserted in the slot,change of the Read/Write attribute wasattempted.The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.The card is currently write-enabled. Set to read-only modebefore performing operation.With the memory card set to theRead/Write mode, Card Direct printingoperation was attempted from the menu.The error message is displayed for awhile, then the LCD automaticallyreturns to the display before the erroroccurrence.1-9