40Chapter 3Printing From A Memory Card (MP180)6Use [] or [] to select the range of photographs to print on the Photo IndexSheet.zIf you select :(1)Go to step 7.zIf you select :(1)Press [OK].(2)Use [] or [] to select how many recent photographs to print.(3)Go to step 7.zIf you select (1)Press [OK].(2)Use [] or [] to select the first recorded date of photographs you want to print.(3)Press [OK].(4)Use [] or [] to select the last recorded date of photographs you want to print.(5)Go to step 7.:Prints all image data stored on the memory card.:Prints image data stored on the memory card in chronologicalorder beginning with the most recently recorded date.Prints image data stored on the memory card according to aspecified range of recorded dates.:Prints the 36 most recently recorded photographs.:Prints the 72 most recently recorded photographs.:Prints the 108 most recently recorded photographs.:Prints the 144 most recently recorded photographs.INDXSHEETPRINT(A4)WLAST36PHOTOSXEx:FROMTHISDATE:02/06/2005XEx:FROMTHISDATE:04/06/2005XEx:TOTHISDATE:04/06/2005XEx:TOTHISDATE:08/06/2005X