Chapter 1 13Before Printing(1) [ (Maintenance)] ButtonAccesses the Maintenance menu.(2) [Fit to Page] ButtonEnables/disables the Fit-to-Page copying.(3) Fit-to-Page LampLights when Fit-to-Page copying is enabled.(4) [SCAN] ButtonOpens the MP Navigator to scan a document to your computer according to the settingsselected. To use this button, the machine must be connected to a computer.(5) Alarm LampLights if an error occurs, or when the paper or ink runs out.(6) LED (Light Emitting Diode)Displays the number of copies, Maintenance menu selections or the operational status.(7) [Black] Button*Starts black & white copying. Also, press this button to confirm settings or operations.(8) [Color] Button*Starts color copying. Also, press this button to confirm settings or operations.(9) [Stop/Reset] ButtonCancels operations and returns the machine to standby mode.(10) [ON/OFF] ButtonTurns the machine ON and OFF. Before turning ON the machine, make sure theDocument Cover is closed.(11) Black/Color Ink LampLights when a Black/Color FINE Cartridge is empty.(12) Paper LampDisplays the selected paper size and type for copying.(13) [Paper] ButtonSwitches the paper size and type for copying.(14) [+] ButtonIncreases the number of copies.* In the software applications or manuals, [Black] and/or [Color] buttons are collectively called“[Start]” or “[OK]”.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (10)(7) (8) (9)(11) (12) (13) (14)