12When the scanner turns ON, the computer recognizes the scanner asa storage device, and the auto play screen appears.When you click [CaptureOnTouch Lite], CaptureOnTouch Lite startsand the main screen appears.3. Starting CaptureOnTouch LiteNotes on AutoPlay• The auto play screen does not appear in Windows 2000. Open[My Computer] and double-click (ONTOUCH.exe) in the[ONTOUCH] drive to start the application. The [AutoPlay] dialogbox may not appear in some operating systems, depending onthe system settings.• [CaptureOnTouch Lite] may not appear on the auto play screen.In this case, click [Open folder to view files] and double-click(ONTOUCH.exe).4. Placing DocumentsA5A5B5A4LTRB5 A4LTRScannable DocumentsWidth: 2.75" to 8.5" (70 mm to 216 mm)Length: 2" to 14.02" (50.8 mm to 356 mm)Thickness: 14 to 32 lb bond (52 to 128 g/m2 ) 0.0024" to 0.0059"(0.06 mm to 0.15 mm)Depending on the document, scanning may result in a paper jamor malfunction. For details, refer to the User Manual.You can place up to 20 sheets at one time.Do not go past the mark on the documentguides.Fan the pages before placing them.Place the scanning sideof the documents facedown into the scanner.Adjust the documentguides to the edges ofthe documents.Place the top of thedocuments pointingdown. (with page edgesslightly askew)