– 18 –4. QA ParametersWhen MLT (S) frequency processing is selected, the QA parameters (%IP_PARAM%) inAnnotation are displayed in the format below.This section describes the parameters specific to the MLT(S) (underlined 1 to 4).For details about the other parameters, please refer to the Operation Manual (Setup Guide).1 Frequency Processing ModeIf MLT (S) FREQUENCY is selected, Q3 is displayed.2 EnhancementThe parameter is displayed as: E edge enhancement, edge frequency, contrast boostNothing is displayed if the enhancement is disabled.3 Dynamic Range AdjustmentThe parameter is displayed as: D Maximum density, minimum densityNothing is displayed if both the DARK REGION and BRIGHT REGION are disabled.If the DARK REGION only is disabled, the parameter is displayed as D*, 3, and if theBRIGHT REGION only is disabled, it is displayed as D20, *.4 Noise ReductionThe parameter is displayed as: N EffectNothing is displayed if NOISE REDUCTION setting is disabled.REX680 Q3 E5,7,0 D20,3 N5 GCS18,15 R RT+90 Z0 M2,1,1 P11 2 3 4