16En Perform Useful TasksYou can use various functions in this machine. Following functions are the overview of the main functions that you can use routinely.CopyEnlarged/Reduced CopiesYou can enlarge or reduce standardsize documents to copy on standardsize paper or specify the copy ratio inpercentage.2-Sided CopyingYou can copy 1-sided documents onboth sides of paper.CollatingYou can sort copies into sets arrangedin page order.Reduced LayoutYou can reduce multiple documents tocopy them onto one sheet.2 on 1 4 on 1Copying ID CardYou can make a copy of a 2-sided cardonto one side of paper.FaxSending a Document Directly from aComputer (PC Fax)*In addition to the normal sending andreceiving faxes, you can use the PC fax.Sending*You can register fax destinations inthe address book. You can specify thedestinations using various methods,enabling you to send documentsquickly and easily.• Destination search• Favorites list• Coded dialing• Destination Group• LDAP server• Specifying from the sending history• Sequential broadcastReceiving*● Receiving in the memoryYou can store the received documentsin the memory. You can print the storeddocuments at any time, and if you donot need them, you can delete them.● Remote ReceivingIf an external telephone is connected,you can switch to the fax receivingmode immediately by dialing the IDnumber for fax receiving using thedial buttons of the telephone during aphone call.I-FaxYou can send and receive faxes overthe Internet. Documents are convertedto TIFF images and sent as e-mailattachments without using a telephoneline.PrintEnlarged/Reduced Printing2-Sided PrintingReduced LayoutYou can reduce multiple documents toprint them onto one sheet.2 on 1 4 on 1Booklet PrintingPoster PrintingWatermark PrintingDisplaying a Preview beforePrintingSelecting a “Profile”Network SettingsThis machine comes equipped witha network interface that you canconstruct a network environment easily.You can print a document, use the PCfax, and use the network scan from allcomputers which are connected withthe machine. The machine supportsto increase work efficiency as a sharedmachine in the office.ScanSaving the Documents Using theOperation Panel of the MachineDocumentsDataSaving the Documents UsingOperations from a Computer● Scanning with the MF Scan Utility● Scanning from an Application● Scanning with the WIA Driver**DocumentsDataSaving in a USB MemoryYou can save scanned documentsin a USB memory connected to themachine.Documents DataE-mailing Scanned DocumentsYou can send scanned documents toyour e-mail application.Documents Data E-mail+Sending Scanned Documents to aFile ServerYou can send scanned documents to afile server.Documents Data File serverRemote UIYou can understand the condition ofthe machine from the computers on thenetwork. You can access the machineand manage jobs or specify varioussettings via network.* MF729Cx/MF728Cdw Only** Windows Vista/7/8 Only