How This Manual Is Organized● Notice• Depending on the printer you are using, the firmware version of the compatiblenetwork board varies. If the firmware version is old, the network board may notoperate properly.Download the latest update file from the Canon website to update the firmware.You can also update the firmware using the update file in the "NB-C1_Firmware"folder in the CD-ROM supplied with the printer.For details on the procedures for checking the firmware version and updating thefirmware in the CD-ROM supplied with the printer, see the README file in the"NB-C1_Firmware" folder.• To view the manuals in PDF format, Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader isrequired. If Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed on yoursystem, please download it from the Adobe Systems Incorporated website.Before You StartUsing the Remote UIVarious Functions of the Remote UIAppendixChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4• Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free of inaccuracies and omissions. However, as we are constantly improving ourproducts, if you need an exact specification, please contact Canon.• The GIF images on the Remote UI are created using Photoshop by Adobe Systems Incorporated.