Adjust/Clean* CLEAN ADF ROLLER is available for the imageRUNNER 1670F/1630 models only.Print ListsFor the imageRUNNER 1670F model, is also displayed. (SeeChapter 6, “Customizing Fax Settings,” in the Facsimile Guide for details.)Count CheckYou can check the count information. (For details, contact your local authorizedCanon dealer.)Count items other than TOTAL and COPY can be set, however “000:” will bedisplayed until your local authorized Canon dealer sets the counter.Setting Item DescriptionCOUNT CHECK Select the count item to be checked.101: TOTAL T1 Shows the TOTAL counter.201: COPY T1 Shows the COPY counter.Setting Item DescriptionsUSER DATA Prints out a list of items set or registered in AdditionalFunctions.CANCEL REPORT Cancels printout of the report.Setting Item DescriptionsROLLER CLEANING Select when the printed paper is dirty.CLEAN ADF ROLLER* Select when the documents have black streaks and appeardirty after they were fed out of the ADF.RESTART PRINTER Restarts the printer functions. (See the Printer Guide.)MIX TONER Select when performing the machine’s initial setup. (For details,contact your local authorized Canon dealer.)4-8 Additional Functions Menu Settings4Customizing SettingsNOTENOTE