157A Menu Function SettingsAspect ratioNThe image’s aspect ratio can be set to [3:2], [4:3], [16:9], or [1:1].The area surrounding the Live View image is masked in black whenthe following aspect ratios are set: [4:3] [16:9] [1:1].JPEG images will be saved with the set aspect ratio. 1 imageswill always be saved with the [3:2] aspect ratio. Since the aspectratio information is appended to the 1 image, the image will begenerated in the respective aspect ratio when you process the 1image with the provided software. In the case of the [4:3], [16:9], and[1:1] aspect ratios, the aspect-ratio lines will appear during imageplayback, but the lines are not actually drawn on the image.ImageQualityAspect Ratio and Pixel Count (approx.)3:2 4:3 16:9 1:13 5184x3456(17.9 megapixels)4608x3456(16.0 megapixels)5184x2912*(15.1 megapixels)3456x3456(11.9 megapixels)14 3456x2304(8.0 megapixels)3072x2304(7.0 megapixels)3456x1944(6.7 megapixels)2304x2304(5.3 megapixels)a 2592x1728(4.5 megapixels)2304x1728(4.0 megapixels)2592x1456*(3.8 megapixels)1728x1728(3.0 megapixels)b 1920x1280(2.5 megapixels)1696x1280*(2.2 megapixels)1920x1080(2.1 megapixels)1280x1280(1.6 megapixels)c 720x480(350,000 pixels)640x480(310,000 pixels)720x400*(290,000 pixels)480x480(230,000 pixels)Asterisked image-recording qualities do not exactly match the set aspectratio.The image area displayed for the asterisked aspect ratio is slightly largerthan the recorded area. Check the captured images on the LCD monitorwhen shooting.If you use a different camera to directly print images shot with thiscamera in the 1:1 aspect ratio, the images may not be correctly printed.COPY