221BasicOperationReferenceIntroduction2AdvancedOperation45Using theInternet3High-LevelFunctionsIndexContentsLookupPreferencesTable ofContents2 Click on a thumbnail image to switch to the imageyou want to check, and then sort by setting ratings.O When a RAW image is displayed, the JPEG embedded in theRAW image is displayed instead of the actual RAW image. Insome cases, displayed images may be grainy. To check the actualRAW image, use the bundled software Digital Photo Professional.O When you have selected a movie, the first frame shot isdisplayed in the center. For playing movies, refer to p.13.O To set [Reject] for ratings, select the [Edit] menu X [ChangeRating] X [Reject], or click on a thumbnail image while holdingdown the key on the keyboard and then select [ChangeRating] X [Reject] from the menu that appears.Preview ModeThumbnail imagedisplay areaThe selected image in the thumbnailimage display area is enlarged in thecenter of the windowClick to increase or decreaseFor a list of Preview Mode functions, refer to p.77.Organizing ImagesThis section explains functions that are useful for organizing imagessuch as creating new folders for saving sorted images, moving andcopying images and deleting unwanted images.You can create a folder to save sorted images.1 In the folder area, select the location where the newfolder is to be created.Creating a Folder for Saving ImagesCOPY