Basic Guide to the C100 SpeedYou can change the shutter speed using the joystick, it appears as afraction. Generally you will set this to 1/50 (180˚) unless there’s a desiredeffect you are trying to achieve by lowering it. Changing the shutterspeed does changed your exposure but it will effect the movement inyour image, so if you are unsure, stick to 1/50.ISOPress the joystick once and then navigate to ISO using the joystick. Thenative ISO that will give you the best quality image is 850, this willappear in brackets. The higher you set your ISO the brighter your imagewill be. However, this is an artificial way of adding light so you start tosee noise in the image.Iris / AperturePUSH and HOLD AUTO IRIS – Only for Zoom lensesButton number 12, on the left-hand side of the camera thatprovides momentary automatic aperture. This is a good setting touse to test the f stop the camera thinks should be used.Manual Iris set up – Zoom LensTo manually adjust the Iris / aperture use the dial control on thehand grip (only available on Zoom lenses)Manual Iris set up – Prime LensTo manually adjust the Iris / aperture turn the lens ring accordingly.