633 Custom White BalanceNIf the exposure obtained in step 1 is underexposed or overexposed, acorrect white balance might not be obtained.If an image was captured while the Picture Style was set to[Monochrome] (p.54), it cannot be selected in step 3.Instead of a white object, an 18% gray card (commercially available) canproduce a more accurate white balance.3 Setting the Color TemperatureNYou can numerically set the white balance’s color temperature.1 Press the <E> button. (9)2 Select the color temperature.Look at the LCD panel and turn the<5> dial to select <P>.3 On the menu, select [Colortemp.].Turn the <5> dial to select [zColor temp.], then press <0>.4 Set the color temperature.Turn the <5> dial to select thedesired color temperature, then press<0>.The color temperature can be set from2800K to 10000K in 100K increments.When setting the color temperature for an artificial light source, set whitebalance correction (magenta or green bias) as necessary.If you want to set <P> to the reading taken with a color temperaturemeter, take test shots and adjust the setting to compensate for thedifference between the color temperature meter’s reading and thecamera’s color temperature reading.