PowerShotTechnologyPowerShot Technology4746Super Macro*Digital Macro*This function will let you focusless than an inch from thesubject – discover a world offascinating textures.The camera trims the imagecenter and digitally zooms tocreate beautifully enlargedclose-ups.IndoorReduce blur andimprove color accuracywhen shooting indoors.Choose to retain a singlecolor in your image whileother colors turn monochrome.ColorAccent*Select a color and replace itwith a color you specify forspecial effects.Color Swap*Underwater*Capture underwater imageswith reduced backscattereffect. Underwater cameraor optional UnderwaterCase required.SunsetRetain all the vivid colorsof a sunset along withoptimum white balance.Easy-to-use guidelines simplifythe shooting of aligned multipleframes that can later be com-bined (using bundled software)to create panoramic photos.Stitch Assist*Create brilliant images ofskyrocketing fireworks.Fireworks Create the look and feel ofold photographs using sepiatones and black-and-white.Nostalgic*The camera uses highshutter speeds to capturefast-moving subjects.Sports*Uses a long exposure for anartistic effect. Great for urbanphotography.Long Shutter*Transform backgroundbright spots to stars, hearts,music notes and more.Creative LightEffect** Not available for all models.* Certain modes not available on some cameras.HIGH-POWER FLASHCompact and elegantly designed, the High-PowerFlash HF-DC1 requires no accessory shoe. It hasa strong light output at guide number 59 (ISO100/ft.) and a wide 28mm angular field (35mmfilm equivalent) for proper illumination up toapproximately 30 feet.With High-Power FlashWithout High-Power FlashWATERPROOF CASE & CASEWEIGHT*Take the excitement of digital photographyunderwater (down to 130 ft.) or outside in anyweather with Canon’s protective cases. Built-inflash diffusers prevent blurring. The WaterproofCase Weight lets you adjust buoyancy to preventthe camera from floating underwater.CONVERTER LENSES*High-quality Canon converter lenses can be attached to the lenses of select PowerShot cameras.Tele-Converters bring distant subjects up close. Close-up lenses can capture great details. Bothaugment the built-in zoom range of PowerShot cameras.The camera zooms whileusing a long exposure for azooming effect.ExposureZoom*AccessoriesWithout Close-up LensWithout Tele-Converter LensWith Tele-Converter Lens With Close-up Lens