1633 File Numbering MethodsThe file numbering restarts from 0001 each time the card isreplaced or a new folder is created.When you replace the card, create a folder, or switch the target card(such as f → g), the file numbering restarts from 0001 for the newimages saved. This is convenient if you want to organize imagesaccording to cards or folders.However, if the replacement card or existing folder already containsimages recorded previously, the file numbering of the new images maycontinue from the file numbering of the existing images in the card orfolder. If you want to save images with the file numbering starting from0001, use a newly formatted card each time.To reset the file numbering to 0001 or to start from file number0001 in a new folder.When you reset the file numbering manually, a new folder is createdautomatically and the file numbering of images saved to that folderstarts from 0001.This is convenient if you want to use different folders for the imagestaken yesterday and the ones taken today, for example. After themanual reset, the file numbering returns to continuous or auto reset.(There will be no Manual reset confirmation screen.)Auto ResetManual Reset0051Card-A (f)0001Card-B (g)File numbering is reset10000511010001Card-AFile numbering afterreplacing the cardFile numbering aftercreating a folderIf the file number reaches 9999 in folder 999, shooting will not be possible evenif the card still has storage capacity. A message explaining the need to replacethe card will appear on the LCD monitor. Replace the card with a new one.COPY