1-312345Cover/Table ofContentsIntroductionDisplaying Thumbnail Imagesand Performing Basic Editsin the Main WindowPerforming DetailedEdits in the EditWindowPerforming DetailedEdits in the EditImage WindowReferenceIndexDisplaying anImage in the QuickCheck WindowInformation Displayed with ImagesThe following shows the information displayed when [Large thumbnail] (p.1-5) is selected.The [RAW] mark is not displayed for PowerShot Pro1 RAW images.This value is displayed for RAWimages for which the brightnesswas adjusted (p.1-9).The icon for the specifiedwhite balance is displayedwith RAW images only(p.1-7).The [RAW] symbol is displayed for RAW images. (When[Small thumbnail] is selected, the [R] symbol is displayed).No symbol is displayed for JPEG and TIFF images.File nameThis mark is displayed forimages for which the RGBprocessing (p.1-9, p.2-6) wasperformed.The aperture value used whenimages were shot is displayed.The shutter speed usedwhen images were shot isdisplayed.This mark is displayed forunsaved images being edited.This mark is displayed for images being trimmed (p.1-10).This mark is displayedwhen a check mark isset (p.1-2, p.4-1).This mark is displayed foran image that has beencorrected with the copystamp tool (p.1-11, p.1-12).Displaying ImagesYou can display images saved on your computer in the main window.Click the folder in which images are saved.O You cannot display images saved on a memory card in the camera. You must saveimages to your computer using other software supplied with the camera or a third-partycard reader.O A JPEG image set to Adobe RGB and taken with the EOS 10D, EOS DIGITAL REBEL/300D DIGITAL or PowerShot Pro1 may display with the sRGB color space applied.O Refer to “Supported Images” for information about the images that can be displayed(p.0-2).O Images that cannot be displayed appear as [].O Images that were shot with the camera held vertically with [Auto rotate] setting to are automatically displayed vertically.O You can display images saved on a memory card using a third-party card reader.