54White Balance Auto BracketingWith just one shot, three images having a different color temperature can be recordedsimultaneously. Based on the current white balance mode’s standard color temperature, thewhite balance setting can be changed from 0 to +/–3 stops in whole-stop increments. This iscalled white balance bracketing. One stop is equivalent to 5 Mireds of a color conversion filter.The bracketing sequence starts with a standard color temperature, bluish tone (decreasedcompensation), and reddish tone (increased compensation). The images are assigned a filenumber and recorded in the CF card.Set the image-recording quality to anysetting except [RAW]. (→p.46)1 On the menu, select [WB-BKT].• Press the < > button.• Turn the < > dial to select [WB-BKT], then press< >.2Set the bracketing amount.• Turn the < > dial to select the bracketing amount,then press < >.• You can bracket the white balance up to +/–3 stopsin whole-stop increments.s After the setting is completed, the menu willreappear.• Press the < > button to exit the menu and turnoff the LCD monitor.s During white balance bracketing, the icon for thecurrent white balance setting will blink.s The number of remaining shots displayed on theLCD panel will be one-third the normal number.3Shoot.s With a single shot, three images, each having adifferent color temperature, will be recorded in theCF card.s The bracketing sequence will start with the standardcolor temperature followed by a bluish tone(decreased compensation) and reddish tone(increased compensation).• The current drive mode is used during whitebalance bracketing. (→p.76) During continuousshooting, the number of images recorded will bethree times as many as the number of shots taken.• Since three images are recorded for one shot, theCF card will take longer to record the shot.4Standard settingBracketing amount+/–1 stop+/–2 stops+/–3 steps