CHAPTERGlossary 3-13AppendixThis section contains the glossary and index.GlossaryCookiesA file left on a user’s computer when the user visits a web site. A cookie allows theweb site to recognize the user on subsequent visits. Cookies are generally used toenable a user to automatically sign on to certain web sites and to customize thefeatures offered by such sites.ProtocolA set of rules that govern the transmission of data across a network. Examples ofprotocols are FTP, DHCP, BOOTP, RARP, IPP, and TCP/IP.− FTP: File Transfer Protocol. A client-server protocol allowing a user to transfer fileson one computer to and from another computer over a TCP/IP network. The FileTransfer Protocol also governs the client program with which the user transfers files.− DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol which automaticallyspecifies the network settings of a client on a TCP/IP network. Many of the settingsrequired to set up TCP/IP, which is the standard protocol of the Internet, can bemade automatically.− BOOTP: BOOT strap Protocol. A protocol that enables a client machine toautomatically obtain network setup information from a server over a TCP/IP network.BOOTP enables a client to automatically locate such information as the host name,domain name, and IP address, so that it is not necessary to create these itemsmanually.− RARP: Reserve Address Resolution Protocol. A protocol which associates anetwork adapter address (MAC address) with an Internet Protocol (IP) address.CHAPTER