Chapter 44-214.3.5 SMB Transmission errors 0020-7988POP server connectionerror#810 Timeout (1KByte/ 10 sec.)during POP data reception.- Check user mode POP server settings.- Check POP server operation.- Check network traffic conditions.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#818 File attachment is in unprintableformat.- Contact sender and arrange for them not to transmit image data that is not supported byI-Fax.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#819 MIME information error - Nothing in particular.Contact the sender and have them output the error information anderror dump.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#820 BASE64 or uuencode error - Nothing in particular.Contact the sender and have them output the error information anderror dump.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#821 TIFF analysis error - Nothing in particular.Contact the sender and have them output the error information anderror dump.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#822 Image decode error - Nothing in particular.Contact the sender and have them output the error information anderror dump.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#827 Unsupported MIME - Contact sender and ask them not to transmit data that cannot be received.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#828 HTML format file attachment - Contact sender and ask them not to transmit data that cannot be received.No message. Error reasongiven on reception errorreport.#829 Reception document exceeds1000 pages.- Contact the sender and have them limit the number of pages in a single transmission to999.No message. #831 SMTP connection cut by IPblock function.- Reprogramme the IP address of the IP block function that allows SMTP connection.No message. #832 Problem with receiving unit'stransmission settings. DSNtransmission failed.- Check the SMTP/DNS server, domain name, host name, E-Mail address, IP address,netmask and default gateway settings in user mode.- Check mail server/ DNS server operation.No message. #833 Problem with receiving unit'stransmission settings. MDNtransmission failed.- Check the SMTP/DNS server, domain name, host name, E-Mail address, IP address,netmask and default gateway settings in user mode.- Check mail server/ DNS server operation.No message. #835 Text reception line count error. - Have the sender reduce the number of lines in the text.No message. #838 SEND license of MEAPfunction became invalid. Theconnection of I FAX SMTPreception function was broken.(Only the machine for MEAP)-Purchase of license of SEND functionNo message. #848Receive Divided (Datamessage/partial)merge error-The mail of Receive Divided Data BOX is not deleted.-The time-out time is reviewed.-Retransmission is requested to those who transmit.No message. #99It deleted it without printingReceive Divided Data by theuser operation.Message ErrorcodeCause Remedy