Chapter 44-12IPv6 address confirmation from a Windows Vista PCThe following instructions pertain to communication confirmation procedures with an IPv6 link local address with a Windows Vista PC and the unit, in a networkenvironment with no DHCPv6 server or router.On the unit's touch panel, use an IPv6 automatically obtained link local address to confirm the communication status.From Additional Functions, go to System Settings > Network Settings > TCP/IP Settings > IPv6 Settings > Use IPv6Set Use IPv6 to ON.To change the status from OFF to ON, the unit needs to be rebooted.F-4-28Make a note of the link local address in order to input the address from a Windows Vista PC.E.g. fe80::200:85ff:fead:bac2F-4-29Manual address Manual settings 0-1 The following addresses cannot be registered.- Multi-cast addresses [1111 1111]- Addresses comprising all 0 [00000000]- IPv4-compatible IPv6 addressesAddresses in which the upper 96 bits are0 and the lower 32 bits are in IPv4 address hexadecimal notation.E.g. [0::1C10:0120] Addresses used when IPv6 and IPv4 are using anIPv6 environment.-IPv4 -mapped addressesAddresses in which the upper 80 bits are 0, thefollowing 16 bits are 1 and the lower 32 bits are in IPv4 addresshexadecimal notation.E.g. [0::FFFF:1C10:0120] Addresses used when IPv4 is using an IPv6environment.Stateful address Uses DHCPv6 0-1 Begins with ff02 DHCPv6 requiredAddress type Touch panel location SettableaddressesAddresscharacteristicsUsage conditions