Chapter 22-5If the power is shut down during PDL data processing, all the image data temporarily stored in the hard disk drive to be printed or stored in Mail Boxes are destroyedand the jobs are canceled. PDL data stored in the hard disk drive immediately before a power shutdown are destroyed as the power is shut down. Processing thedata of those, therefore, will not resume when the power is turned on after the shutdown. Jobs interrupted by a power shutdown will be displayed in the Log listwith the End Code "NG (#852)."2.1.6 Sleep Processing 0010-3001Sleep ProcessingThe 1 W power consumption mode is employed as Sleep 3 in the printers that supports the UFR II. Of network interrupts, whereas a traditional printer restoreswhen receiving packets addressed to it, new printer restores when receiving either of the following packets.- ARP packets- Packets addressed to the printer- Broadcast packets for SNMP search with specific patterns- SLP multicast packets with specific patterns- CPCA echo (broadcast) packets with specific patterns2.1.7 Print Pause 0011-6497You can suspend ongoing printing of all jobs from the control panel. Likewise, you can resume the printing working from the control panel. There will be no sus-pension of data input for the network or PDL processing. To enable Print Pause, use the following service mode:COPIER>OPTION>USER>PR-PSESW0: disable (do not indicate)1: enable (indicate)(default: '0')F-2-82.1.8 Format Settings 0011-6498A function to enable the selection of the following will be added in regard to the text used to print the result of a job and the following notations to the lead or trailedge: Print Date, Print User Name, Print Page Number:FontStyleSizeColorA change made to Format Settings will affect the following in common, and individual selection will not be possible: Print Date, Print User Name, Print PageNumber.F-2-9