18CanoScan ToolboxUsing the Editing ToolsThe CanoScan Toolbox editing tools appear when you open an image. You can also control the palettedisplay by using the Show/Hide Tools command from the Window menu.To use an editing tool, click on the desired tool and then move your cursor over the image window. Noticethat the cursor changes shape to reflect the tool you have selected.The image editing tools included with the CanoScan Toolbox are described below:Smudge Tool: smears colors.Rectangle Select Tool: defines arectangular area.Hand Tool: moves a picture inwindow.Fill Tool: fills an area with color ora tile pattern.Eraser Tool: erases to thebackground color.Air Brush Tool: sprays smoothcolor.Clone Tool: paints with pixelsfrom another area.Foreground/Background ColorTool: replaces the foregroundcolor with the background color.Lasso Tool: defines an irregulararea.Magnify/Zoom Tool: changesmagnification level. ChoosingActual Size from the Image menuresets the image to the originalimage size.Text Tool: adds text to annotatethe picture.Pencil Tool: draws freehand.Paint Tool: paints freehand.