64MoiréThe patterns or lines created by overlapping dots in an image. Thisphenomenon is found when photographs or pictures are scanned from booksand magazines at low resolutions. The Descreen function helps to eliminatemoiré patterns.Optical ResolutionAn expression of the volume of data per inch (dpi) that can be sampled by ascanner.PixelAn abbreviation of picture element, the smallest element on a monitor screen.Plug-in SoftwareA program that extends the functionality of an application program. Plug-inModule CS-U is a driver plug-in that adds scanning capabilities to programssuch as CanoScan Toolbox and PhotoStudio 2000.Preview AreaArea at the right of the Plug-in Module CS-U window used to display previewimages. Clicking the [Preview] button causes the scanner to scan its platen andreproduce the image in the preview area. Please note, however, that previewimages do not get downloaded to the application program in use.Preview ScanA low-resolution, trial scan of an object. The image shown in the preview areacan be used to adjust the scan area, brightness and color balance beforeinitiating the final scan.ResolutionThe density of the dots used to express an image. Image fineness or coarsenessis expressed as the number of dots per inch (dpi). See also DPI.RGBA color set of red, green and blue: the three primary colors of light. The scannerpicks up light reflected off objects with its red, green and blue sensors. Colorprinters output color using the complements to the RGB color set, which arecyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK). Cyan, magenta and yellow are calledthe three secondary colors.