Explanation of symbolsScissors, glue, ruler, a used ball-point pen, tweezers1) Cut out A1 ~ C2 and assemble each part.2) Attach A1 ~ D2.Fold A1 and A2 in half andattach the back of each sidetogether respectively.Glue the reverse sides of E1 andE2 together, and curve the piecesbefore the glue dries.Fold E3 in half,glue the back sides togetherand cut out the piece as shown.Attach E4 so that it covers upthe cut on E3.Attach E4 to E1.Make two A1s,and four A2s.Make threeeach of these parts.For B1 and B2, fold back the top bumpsand the bottom edge, and glue each partto the reverse side of the piece.*Do not glue down the glue tabs.Cut along the inside lines as shown.*Be careful not to cut the glue tabs.For C1 and C2, fold backthe top bumps and glue themto the reverse side of the piece.Attach A1 and A2 tothe back of D1 as shown.Stand the A1 and A2 parts upat right angles, and attach B1and then B2.Put one C1 and one C2 together as a set,and glue them around A1/A2,attaching them to the glue spots.Only attach two C1/C2 sets.Attach the back side of D1to the back side of D2.*Attach the two A1sopposite each other.*Keep one C1/C2 set aside.*Glue them togetherbeginning in the center.3) Cut out E1 ~ E4, and glue them together.*Put the E1 side face up.Bird Cage : Canary [Assembly Instructions]Assembly tipTrace along the folds with a ruler and a usedpen (no ink) to get a sharper, easier fold.Caution: This craft requires the use of glue, scissors, and other toolswhich may be dangerous to young children. Please keep them out ofreach of children while you work.You will needValley fold (Dashed and dotted line)Scissors line (Solid line)Mountain fold (Dotted line)Glue tabCut in line (Red solid line)CutoutBird Cage